Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Does Liberalism Really Mean Feminism?

By Matt:

John F. Kennedy, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and even the chosen one, Barrack Obama, have all run for the nations highest office with one thing in common - they all had or have had children still living at home during the election. But unlike Sarah Palin, none of them ever had to face the questions and accusations on the topic of parenthood that she has had to face over the last 4 days. One CNN reporter even went so far as to say: "it really makes you wonder if Palin can handle the responsibility of having a five month old with the duties that come along with being the Vice President”. Come on!!!! I have never looked at comments from the media - or anyone for that matter - with a suspicious eye that is on the look out for racism, ageism or sexism but you do not have to look to0 deep to clearly see this quote is blatant sexism.

And who do we call when women are not being treated fairly? The ACLU? But, the ACLU will not touch this with a 10 foot pool because of its legitimacy. Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton? Whoops, Palin is white - they’re not going to help. We need to go grassroots-we need to go to the feminists. Well we’ve called - no one is answering!

I am no expert on feminism but at its core I'm fairly confident that it strives for equality in all spectrums from politics to economics between the sexes. Equality is at the doorstep. There is a woman on the presidential ticket. I would think that feminists would be thrilled that a woman (and I hate to quote Obama) “is a heartbeat away from being president”.

I know the feminists were thrilled when Hillary was up there last week speaking about how proud she was of being a mother and a daughter. Hell, she was so sincere that she made the ultimate womanizer himself tear up and mouth the words I love you. Scary how not even two days after Hillary’s speech Palin said how proud she was to be a woman and a mother, but it was not received nearly as well from the feminist groups or Hillary Clinton for that matter!

My God, attack her all you want for her experience - McCain basically threw you all a meat ball on that one. But, how dare you attack her for being a mother, a wife and a WOMAN. Where’s the sudden absence of the movement for equality? It makes me wonder which it really is... feminism or liberalism?


Unknown said...

I could not agree more. As a feminist myself, and not very much of a Palin supporter, I think what is being done to her by a group of extreme leftists is disgusting.

I may not agree with all of her positions, but she has accomplished much, including being a Vice Presidential Candidate.

Personally, I just think the Dems are jealous that the Republicans were able to get a woman on the ticket and they weren't.

Mike said...

Getting a woman on the ticket isn't hard if that's what the Presidential candidate wants, and is willing to pass over more qualified candidates to do it.Our governor here in South Dakota is easily as qualified as Palin, and I don't know anyone who thinks he should be Vice-President.

Even limiting the choice to a woman, there are others who are more qualifed than Palin. This choice was pretty much about John McCain wanting her for whatever his reasons.

I do feel sorry for the poor daughter. It’s tough enough for her being pregnant at 17 in a “you WILL keep the baby and you WILL marry the father” family environment; having Mom choose (and it was a choice; she could have turned the offer down citing family issues and gotten sympathetic press) to bring the world’s hottest spotlight down on her must be excruciating.

Anonymous said...

I also agree that remarks about Palin's suitability for the VP spot that involved her "womanly duties to her family" are flat-out sexism.

There's plenty to knock about Palin that doesn't involve her "womanly duties" at all, and I think most feminists are in agreement there.

What I have seen most in the feminist blogosphere is a discussion about Palin's "abstinence-only" policy and how her own family is at least one example that it doesn't work. To me, that's not an attack on Palin's family but a legitimate observation.

Go McCain! said...

Again folks, State Issue!

KH said...

If you do a search on "Sarah Palin Sexism Watch" at, you'll find the feminist outrage you're looking for.