Saturday, September 13, 2008

"Choice" at the Gate

By Matt:
Choice. It's a word that carries so much symbolism when it comes to our county’s history. Choice is what has led this country to be so great!

The significance of having the power of choice could not be summed up better than what was stated in a recent mailer I received from Church at the Gate. The piece states: "Americans like options. We dislike being told what to do. As powerful as God is, he does not exert his power over human will, or a nation’s will for that matter. Theologians call this freewill.”
THAT’S AWESOME! I applaud the marketing department of Church at the Gate. It’s total B.S. but well done. The reason that it’s total B.S. is the because the Church is led by Pastor Steve Hickey. I check out his blog frequently and he is for choice about as much as Leslee Unruh is.

Not only is Pastor Hickey a major force in the Vote Yes on 11 Campaign, he is consistently using his blog to launch smear campaigns against anyone who doesn't share his point of view. Recently he went after a young woman at the SD Campaign for Healthy Families because of her work against Initiated Measure 11. He went so far as to post personal information about this young woman and her family. Totally uncalled for and totally disgusting.

He acts in a manner that is not consistant with any kind of Christianity that I know. What happened to Loving thy Neighbor?

But, it's his choice to act the way he does. It's his freedom. Just as it's my choice to call him out on it.


GoingFaster said...

Matt - do you really know and understand the "choice" that Pastor Hickey is referring too? Did you even try to find out before writing your post? Shouldn't a blogger try to understand the topic he is writing about? Yes, we have choices. We have the choice to obey God and follow him, or we have the choice not too. That is what Pastor Hickey is referring too. He is reclaiming the word "choice" from the anti-lifers. How about attending a service at Church at the Gate so that you can write more fact based posts next time?

tiredoftheextremists said...

goingfaster: you have the choice to "obey God and follow him". I also have the choice not to. Let God be the judge of me and not Pastor(?) Hickey. The man is obessed with abortion. Tell him to get out of my vagina.