By Matt:
For the past two weeks or so, there has been quite a bit of media attention on Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome.
In case you've been living in a cave, it's come to light surrounding Initiated Measure 11 and there has been quite a lot of back and forth over whether or not a procedure like this would be allowed under Initiated Measure 11. Vote No says that families would not be able to terminate pregnancies in cases of fatal fetal anomolies. Vote Yes has first said that Tiffany Campbell didn't need to terminiate (even though they know nothing about her medical case) and then they said it would be allowed for because her health was at risk (even though she's said it wasn't.) But, now, we have a very in-depth news piece from KARE 11 which I think says it all.
Thank you Ms. Leslee Unruh for finally setting the record straight. Turns out, Vote NO was right all along. The Campbell's procedure would be ban.
Check it out for yourself.
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